Making Your Own Milestones

[composed February 2014; updated May 2019]

I admit it. I am a sentimental man. And yes, I’m proud of it. I haven’t always made the time to add the sentimental touch, but I aim to make that the case more often. This year will be a pretty memorable milestone. I have committed to being more intentional with connecting with my family – immediate and extended. One step at a time, my wife and I are stepping back into the lives most dear to us.

This weekend marked two birthdays and a baptism. Such milestones usually bring family and friends together, and in this case, it did just that. Smiles, cheer, one year old cake face plants, and more. We had a blast. While I enjoyed quality time with new and old faces, I reflected on milestones in my life. These milestones didn’t consist of the traditional ones though. Birthdays, graduations, baptisms, recitals, reunions, and the list goes on. We typically gather for those and pretty much know what to expect, but this post is not about those.

As you see in the image above, I had the opportunity to plant a kiss on the face of my adorable daughter (I thank my wife for capturing this moment). Though this weekend was all about celebrating my niece and nephew, I was grateful to make it special for my daughter as well. You see, YOU MAKE THE MILESTONE. As often as possible, try to make moments special for someone everyday – and sometimes, several times a day. Those are the milestones that matter. Those are the moments that change lives. Sometimes moments matter most when you least expect them – when you’re caught off guard with appreciation.

So, go for it! Make someone’s day. Hopefully they will remember the time you made them feel more important than they thought themselves.

Until next time…

Capture The Milestone

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